What is a Champion?
A person who has a deep desire to achieve a goal that will expand who they are now. It will take learning new skills, it will take coaching and guidance from other champions / mentors that have gone before you. It will take belief in yourself and a rigorous mindset that you can do it. Be able to get up when you have failed, seeing your goal in your minds eye. Faith and persistence to do and be your best. Be excellent at what you do and who you are.
Everyone has a champion in them
Children believe they are champions. As we grow older we are influenced by our families and our society and we take on many limiting beliefs about ourselves and we then justify why we can’t live how we want. We settle for mediocrity. This is because our education system does not train us on HOW TO THINK correctly. The champion within us get's hidden from our view and starts to settle for a limited way of thinking and being controlled by what is going on in our environment.
I am in my sixties. I come from a fragmented family, 2 failed marriages. Raised two boys (now young men) with insufficient savings for my retirement. I had to take a good look at myself. I was definitely not on target for living a happy prosperous life with a new partner, in a beautiful home, going on holidays with any prospective grandchildren!
I had known Bob Proctor for years. When my youngest son finished VCE (High school) I decided it was time for me. In 2020 I began my journey with Proctor Gallagher Institute (PGI). In 2023, I became a certified Proctor Gallagher Consultant. I now believe in me.
I am more relaxed and comfortable with who I am. With this knowledge of how the mind worked and being committed to being coached, I have developed healthy habits and I am growing into the champion I am. I am real with people. I am more productive, relaxed and a calm person. Everyday I celebrate the continual improvements in my mental and physical health and my ability to keep growing as a person.
I love my life and so can you.
Ask me how a mentor who is committed to you can change your life for the better!
- if you are wanting more from your life but don’t know how
- want better personal relationships with meaning and fulfilment
- mentally unclear, worried, anxious or fearful of your future
- physically unwell or challenged with a health issue
- want more money / no money / sick of getting by and just making ends meet
I would love to hear from you!
Contact me either via email or you can call me on 0409 863 468
Let’s book a DISCOVERY CALL where we can sit down face to face or on zoom and nut out what is in the way of you having the success in your life that you deserve and want and unleash your CHAMPION. IT’s free.
Bob Proctor was one of the world’s leading personal development coaches for over 60 years. Together with his brilliant business partner Sandy Gallagher. The Proctor Gallagher Institute was formed to help people get in touch with themselves—who they are, what they’re capable of and what they want in life. PGI offer events, programs and products—all based on decades of research, study and application—to elevate people’s thoughts and bring their genius to the surface.
The Proctor Gallagher Institute is dedicated to waking the world up so more people can reach their potential and live the way they truly want to live – through shifting paradigms.
Bob Proctor & Sandy Gallagher explain why mentors are important.